Located in the former Niagara Falls High School building in the heart of Niagara Falls, the Niagara Arts and Cultural Center is home to over 75 artists and shares the history of the portage around Niagara Falls dating from early Native American civilization until the Erie Canal opened in 1825. The NACC is considered a model for historic preservation and adaptive reuse. The former classrooms have all been converted into rentable art studios and community use facilities, making the NACC the largest multi-arts center in New York. The NACC hosts many events, including 12 annual gallery shows, a full theater season, opera performances, art workshops, music & dance classes, history lectures, and a "Discover Niagara" Summer Youth Program. The Niagara Arts and Cultural Center (NACC) is a not-for-profit, arts and cultural organization dedicated to preserving the legacy of the city and its people, as well as promoting arts and cultural experiences.